DPS Relay Meet

The DPS Relay Meet will be on Tuesday, March 15, 22. There will not be a bus, so please find your own way to the meet.

Location: All City Stadium, 1500 South Franklin St, Denver, CO 80218

Dismissal: 2:00pm

Meet begins: 3:30pm

Athlete Availability Form: If you are participating in the meet, you must let the coaches know by filling out this form: DPS Relay Meet Athlete Availability Form by the end of the day on Sunday, March 13. If you don’t fill out the form, you won’t be registered in the meet. Telling them in the hallway or at practice, doesn’t work.

Uniform Pick Up: DPS Relay Meet Athletes will pick up their uniform on Monday, March 14 after practice. If you are not participating in the DPS Relay Meet, you will pick up your uniform at a later time.

Other important information:

  • Bring warm layers in addition to your uniform. The weather is expected to be warm on Tuesday, but it gets cold in the stadium later in the meet.
  • Bring a healthy snack(s) for after your event. Remember the saying, “nothing new on race day” when packing your snacks.
  • Bring your water bottle(s).

If you can’t participate in the meet, we will post your workouts on the track & field website. They can be done on your own.


Due to the rising numbers of the COVID-19 Virus, Denver East has elected to not participate in Session 8, which was scheduled to begin next week and run through December 4th.  As of now only Session 8 is cancelled and we will re-evaluate for Session 9 after the Thanksgiving Holiday, which is currently scheduled to begin December 7th, fingers crossed. 

We will be posting workouts to be done on your own here on the website two or three times a week. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.  Have a wonderful Holiday break, and stay safe!

 —Michael Tasker,  Head Track & Field Coach

Sign Up for the next Track Session

Track & Field Athletes!

Pre-season track & field practice will continue into session 8 of in-person off-season training following Denver Public Schools COVID guidelines.

All participating athletes will have to fill out the waiver below to participate before 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 11th. After this time, the waiver will close and DPS will not be accepting any late submissions.


— Once registration is complete, Coach Tasker will reach out with practice times and dates to the registered athletes.


Thank you Angels —

We. Are. Back.

Track & Field Athletes!

Pre-season track & field practice will continue into session 7 of in-person off-season training following Denver Public Schools COVID guidelines.

All participating athletes will have to fill out the waiver below to participate before 5:00 pm on Thursday, Oct 22nd. After this time, the waiver will close and DPS will not be accepting any late submissions.


— Once registration is complete, Coach Tasker will reach out with practice times and dates to the registered athletes.

Thank you Angels —


Track Banquet

  • Thursday, June 4th, @ Noon
  • Via Google Hangout – link will be posted to the website in the morning. 
  • Please send over any track pictures of your senior athlete, if you have not done so already. Email them to: cotasker@gmail.com or text them to 720-648-8943 .
  • Seniors will have the opportunity to share and reflect about their time on the East Track Team. 
Thank you!

Note to the distance team

Hey Runners!!  As you are painfully aware, the spring sports seasons have been canceled. I wanted to let you know all the coaches miss you and wish we could all be running together! Until we can do that, I want give you some updates and information about the upcoming cross country season—as far as we know, the fall season will happen, though it may be somewhat different than we are used to.  We need to make sure that we use this time to be getting in shape—while being safe and socially distanced.  While we have the potential to be really good next season, the work needs to be done this summer.  I am working on building our meet schedule, and we will be sending out recommended workouts and training plans soon.  Please be watching for upcoming virtual meetings or hangouts or races or other ways for us to stay connected until we are able to all get together!


If you are a rising senior and interested in being a captain next season, please send me (steven_kohuth@dpsk12.org) an explanation of why you would like to be a captain and what would make you a good one.


Please keep an eye on the cross country website for updates—the training schedule will be up very soon and we’ll be updating every week or so. Get out and run with your dog or your parents or your siblings and be safe and stay healthy and hopefully we’ll all be running together soon!

Coach Kohuth and the XC Coaches



CHSAA Cancels Spring Sports Season

East Track Family,

Again, I hope everyone and their families are staying safe and taking care of one another during this time.
In a statement this morning our CHSAA commissioner officially cancelled Colorado’s 2020 Spring Sports Season. Statement can be found here: https://chsaanow.com/2020-04-21/spring-2020-season-cancelled-due-to-on-going-covid-19-pandemic/.
Obviously this was an outcome we were expecting while still hoping it was one we would be able to avoid. While, we did not get to fulfill the season as we had planned or hoped I am still very grateful to be a part of this program with you all. On behalf of myself and our coaching staff, we want to say thank you, to all the student-athletes that were already at practice and committed to being a part of our program this season, and to the numerous parents who had already agreed to help volunteer as well. I think we should all be very excited about where this program can and will go in the future! Thank you all so much.
As for our seniors: this is a group that I was very much looking forward to seeing compete, and also to spend some time with this year.  This is a special group of kids and I cannot wait to see what they go on to do as adults. Parents – we are trying to get something together to honor our Seniors, if you could send any pictures or awards/accomplishments from over the years in an email to me that would be great.
Also, keep an eye out for updates regarding hopeful summer training and competition. As well as the plans and training for the upcoming Cross Country season in the fall, here is their website as well: https://easthighxc.com/.
Like I said before there are a lot of helpful hands in our East Community so please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or Coach Kohuth with anything you might need during these times.
Thank you!
Coach Tasker

Announcement from Coach Tasker

East Track Family,

First and foremost I hope that you and your families are staying safe and taking care of one another.
Secondly, I wanted to provide everyone with a quick update on information we are getting from CHSAA.  At this time, CHSAA has technically maintained the April 30th restart date for Spring Sports. However, they have made it clear that they want to be realistic in that they do anticipate that date being extended, most likely through the season. This is from CHSAA, “We don’t want to give false hope. Resuming spring activities and athletics statewide due to safety concerns does not appear promising.”  They have also not permitted any “voluntary team workouts,” so please avoid getting together with teammates or anyone else to workout. In the effort to not give you all any false or misguided information, we will be operating off of CHSAA’s current guidance in that we won’t officially cancel our season until they do, but with the understanding that any hope for competition this spring is not likely.
The final piece of information I wanted to share is that they will not be holding any CHSAA sanctioned events during the summer, so should they move to cancel the season that will be it. That being said, Track & Field competitions exist in the summer, every summer, and myself along with our coaching staff will be working to ensure that our athletes get the chance to compete in these meets as well as try and host a couple on our own, even if it can’t be under the East High name. These are sanctioned meets so the times/marks would be official and count towards college recruitment. Obviously, more will need to unfold before we know how/if summer track meets are even going to be an option, but should the stay at home request be lifting in time, I think it would be best to shift our focus to summer competition at this point.  With that said, we are going to do our best to draw up some circuits and strength activities you can do at home.
Lastly, I will keep you all updated here with any new developments I come across, but in the meantime please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any needs or questions you might have. If parents or athletes need help with the college recruitment process, advice on home workouts, or just need someone to chat with, my phone number is below and you can text or call me at anytime. I know this is a strange and tough time, but this team is a community, as is being an East Angel as a whole – if you need anything at all there are a lot of people and resources available to us.
Thank you!
Coach Tasker

Thunder Ridge Meet Canceled

The Thunder Ridge Meet scheduled for Saturday, March 16, has been canceled due to weather. Stay tuned to find out if there will be a Saturday practice since we don’t have a meet tomorrow.

If you haven’t checked out a uniform, today is the last day to check one out.  Check out will be after school in the counseling center (room 225).  You can also pick up any track & field merchandise that you ordered from the gear shop after school today.